A good quality pre-wired control panel assembly for a telecaster type guitar.
The panel is 160 x 32mm and is fitted with a three way pickup seletor switch,
volume and tone controls with metal knobs
Note that the unit may be supplied with a top hat or a barrel style of switch cap.
If you have a preference please let me know when you order.
The circuit consists of a 500kOhm type B volume control pot and a 500kOhm type
A tone control pot which uses a 47nF capacitor to ground.
The 3 position switch allow switching between neck pickup, bridge pickup or both.
The suggested switch wiring is shown in the diagram below. The following connections are required:
- Connect the bridge pickup core to switch pins 6 and 7.
- Connect the neck pickup core to switch pins 1 and 2.
- Connect the bridge and neck pickup screens to the potentiomete cases (ground).
- Connect the flying lead core and screen to the jack socket.
The size and shape of this panel is compatible with the scratchplate and other telecaster type parts we sell.